In the upcoming twist of Star Plus popular show Ishqbaaz viewers will get to witness interesting twist with the End of Daksh with Shivaay Anika's (Surbhi Chandna) love union. It seems Shivaay with help of Bhavya the super cop will successfully manage to trace down Anika’s location. Shivaay will get shocked to find Anika in shattered state and will regret for not listening to her when she was running behind him. Shivaay gets out of control seeing his lady love Anika in pain and starts thrashing up Daksh for sparing him last time.
Shivaay Anika’s final union with Daksh’s end. Both the boys will get into big fight and fall off terrace but fortunately Shivaay will be saved by Dargah people and Daksh will breathe his last.
Is this Shivaay Anika’s final union? Is this the end of Redux with Daksh’s the end?
Shivaay Anika’s final union with Daksh’s end. Both the boys will get into big fight and fall off terrace but fortunately Shivaay will be saved by Dargah people and Daksh will breathe his last.
Is this Shivaay Anika’s final union? Is this the end of Redux with Daksh’s the end?