In the upcoming story of Star Plus popular show Ishqbaaz, Tej (Mahesh Thakur) Jhanvi's (Mreenal Deshraj) entry to create rift amid Shivaay (Nakuul Mehta) and Omkara (Kunal Jaisingh) Rudra (Leenesh Mattoo). It seems Tej and Jhanvi who is Omkara Rudra and Priyanka’s parents are all set to make their entry on the show.
It was earlier seen that Tej always disliked Shivaay handling the business as he wanted son Omkara to take over the entire business.
Tej and Jhanvi’s plan to fail. Hence Tej and Jhanvi will make their entry to create rift amid brothers Shivaay and Omkara Rudra. Will Tej and Jhanvi’s plan work this time?
It was earlier seen that Tej always disliked Shivaay handling the business as he wanted son Omkara to take over the entire business.
Tej and Jhanvi’s plan to fail. Hence Tej and Jhanvi will make their entry to create rift amid brothers Shivaay and Omkara Rudra. Will Tej and Jhanvi’s plan work this time?