In the upcoming episode of Star Plus popular show Kasauti Zindagi Kay 2 loyal viewers will get to witness shocking twist. It seems Anurag and Prerna confess love and get married to each other in temple. On the other side Moloy and Rajesh had also gone to trace Anurag and Prerna’s location. Shockingly, Naveen will get his hands on Moloy and gets him killed to fulfil his revenge.
Unfortunately, Moloy’s death news will come as a big shocker where Mohini will hold Prerna responsible for all the mess up. Anurag to sacrifice his love for Prerna. It would be really interesting to see what Anurag will do now. Will Anurag sacrifice his love for Prerna seeing his father dead?
Unfortunately, Moloy’s death news will come as a big shocker where Mohini will hold Prerna responsible for all the mess up. Anurag to sacrifice his love for Prerna. It would be really interesting to see what Anurag will do now. Will Anurag sacrifice his love for Prerna seeing his father dead?