Erica Fernandes celebrated her this year Diwali at Parth Samthaan's new house. Meanwhile, actor Sahil Anand playing the character role of Anupam in Kasauti also joined the celebration. The couple had a big fat celebration with their friends. Earlier the couple was revealed to break up their ongoing relationship.
However, now it seems everything is fine between Parth Samthaan and Erica Fernandes. Parth Samthaan and Erica Fernandes back in a love relationship. Although Parth and Erica came together after such a long gap. Let see if the couple patches up their love relationship.
However, now it seems everything is fine between Parth Samthaan and Erica Fernandes. Parth Samthaan and Erica Fernandes back in a love relationship. Although Parth and Erica came together after such a long gap. Let see if the couple patches up their love relationship.