Episode start with doctor coming to Dylan and taking him along from Kamya’s ward. Dylan asks him did he find about girl’s relative. He says we tried to find out, the girl’s grandparents are not alive, she is orphan and we would send her to orphanage. Juliet is interrogated by inspector. She says she did not do accident. He says no family man would make his wife and daughter die, you are lying, tell the truth. He says the car was not faulty, once hospital staff give statement, you will not be saved, its better to say truth. He asks her to be ready for life sentence. Juliet cries. The inspector says her contacts will not be of use. She says trust me, I did not do anything.
Abhimanyu tells Kajal that mum is in police station, and Dylan is bring that girl home. Kajal thinks if accident was of Dylan’s car, it would be better. Dylan brings Kamya with him. Kamya looks around the home. Dylan says now this is your home and asks Kajal to take Kamya with her. He tells Abhimanyu that we have to leave soon, I will go police station, you go to dad. Dabbu comes and Dylan asks her where is LN, did he go police station. Dabbu says Papa can’t help us. Kajal smiles.
Dylan asks why. Dabbu says LN said he will not use his position in wrong way, misguiding law is against his principles. Dylan asks did you say it was not mum’s fault. She says Papa is not agreeing, we will find some way. Dylan says no, I will find osme way. Kamya looks at Dabbu and thinks marriage is dangerous, wish you a horrible married life. Mamta tells LN that he has to help Dabbu. He says two persons died in this accident. Mamta says Dabbu’s married life will be ruined, can you forgive yourself. She asks him to help Juliet. He says its not so simple, we can’t do anything, all proof is against Juliet, the case decision will depend on that 11 year old girl’s statement. She reminds him that he took a wrong decision before and taking another wrong one now. She worries for Dabbu.
A man talks on phone and says everything is as per plan, see how I fill poison in their lives. Dylan tries to help Juliet. Dabbu asks is he still annoyed with her. He argues for his mum and says I m trying to save my mum, I did not ask your dad to do wrong work, I asked for his help, which he did not do, I won’t be able to forgive him. He leaves. She cries and gets Mamta’s call. Dabbu says Dylan is much worried. Mamta says I will convince LN. Dabbu says no, I don’t want dad to compromise on his principles. Dylan comes back and hears this. Dabbu sees him and ends call.
Dabbu says mum was saying… you are misunderstanding me… He leaves. Dabbu goes after him and asks him to listen. Dylan says you and your dad did what you wanted, let me do what I have to. The inspector comes and says this case will depend on that girl’s statement. Dylan asks Kajal to get Kamya. Kajal goes to Kamya and asks her to come. Dabbu comes there and says police wants to ask you, I know bad happened, but aunty did not do it everything, I request you don’t tell about aunty.
Kamya says my mum used to say, always say truth, else police gives punishment, so I will tell truth. The inspector tells Dylan that his responsibility got double, his wife and a readymade child. Dabbu and Kajal bring Kamya there. The inspector asks him to say how did accident happen. Kamya says because of my dad, he was drunk and was driving in full speed, mumma stopped him, but he did not agree and hit the other car. She cries. Dylan hugs her and consoles. Kamya smiles.
Juliet comes home. Dabbu touches her feet and Juliet stops her. She says she invited trouble at home, she did big mistake to get Dylan married to Dabbu. Dabbu gets shocked.