The Episode starts with LN asking Mamta to have food. Mamta is extremely worried. He asks her to have patience, if they break, how will they manage children. She says its parents’ duty to take care of children. He says yes, but we can’t be superstitious, Dylan called and said his dad is fine. He says Shekhawat wants Dylan to marry, he is happy that Dylan is getting Dabbu as his life partner, as she has united them. She asks Mamta does she think they will blame Dabbu for any bad thing, they believe Dabbu has got happiness in their lives, why don’t you believe this, we took wrong decision about Binny, and she is suffering a lot, we will not let this happen to Dabbu, this marriage will happen tomorrow by all rituals, we will celebrate, and makes her have food.
Dabbu and Dylan talk on phone. He says I did not think things would get fine like this, I wish he came in our marriage. She says yes, even I wish so, but his blessings will be with us, that’s more imp. Dylan says yes, all this became possible because of you, dad told me. He recalls Kajal and thinks maybe its not right time to tell Dabbu. He says I love you and ends call.
Dabbu sees the jewelry and recalls Mamta’s words. She smiles. LN comes there and smiles seeing Dabbu happy. Dabbu asks him to come inside. She says I know you saw the lights on and could not stop coming. LN says don’t know when will I get chance to talk to you, after you leave, I will miss you a lot. They have an emotional talk. He says you will become someone’s bahu now, they will have expectations, I m sure you will fulfill your duties like just your mum. She says I will try my best and become their fav, like I m your and mum’s fav, you always supported me, He says I have always supported right thing, and I know Dylan truly loves you. He hugs her and she cries.
Its morning, Bhu Devi comes to manipulate Mamta again and gets pandit to keep havan for peace. LN says today Mamta has to take a stand. Bhu devi says Mamta believes in Shastra, unlike LN. The pandit says havan is necessary, then her dosh will get away. Mamta says Dabbu has no dosh, I believe in Shastras, but not more than Dabbu’s happiness, sorry pandit ji, I don’t want to keeo any havan, and asks Bhu Devi to just bless Dabbu. She asks Bhu Devi to stay if she wants to bless, else there is no work to do. LN and daughters get happy and proud of Mamta. Mamta is happy and asks girls to see Dabbu.
Binny makes Rangoli. Malik and Sara come there. Sara hugs Binny and Binny sends her to kjds. Malik says Sara was missing you all, so I got her here and thought to help you. He smiles seeing colors on her face and tells her. She asks where. He says I will show and clicks her pic. She sees her pic and laughs, saying she is looking funny, she will delete it. He says no, your face filled life in these colors, I will never delete this pic. He cleans the colors from her face.
Dylan gets ready and sees Dabbu around him. Dheere dheere………….plays………..They smile. He sees she is gone. Juliet comes and signs what. She smiles and hugs him. They leave. Dylan comes as the groom with his family at Thakur house. Mamta welcomes him. Dylan smiles seeing Dabbu coming in her bridal dress and looking gorgeous. He recalls their lovely moments and her love confession. Everyone smile seeing Dabbu. Chandi brings Dabbu to the mandap. Dylan and Dabbu exchange garlands. Everyone clap for them. Dylan and Dabbu sit in the mandap. Chandi gets worried seeing Kajal. Dabbu and Dylan look really happy. Juliet takes their pics and sends it to Shekhawat. Shekhawat gets glad seeing the pics. Mamta sees the diya blowing off and gets worried. Dylan and everyone also see it. Dabbu’s eyes are closed and she does not see it. Everyone get tensed and Mamta looks at Dylan teary eyed.
Juliet meets with an accident. Dylan and Dabbu are in another car. Dylan gets a call and is shocked.