The Episode starts with Ishita and Raman talking about Sarika. She says there will be some reason, why will Sarika do this with her family. He says whatever, she could have told Romi atleast. He goes. Everyone count down and cheer for the new year. Everyone dance and hug. Raman brings Romi and Rohit. Ishita smiles seeing Raman, yeh hai mohabbatein…………..plays…………..
Its morning, Mr. Bhalla is at park. He talks to his friend and asks her to come to meet him, anyone will show his house if she names him. Appa comes and asks what are you doing. Mr. Bhalla says I was given Mr. Handsome tag and Adi has put my pic in FB, I m getting so many friend requests, everyone is complimenting me. Appa says you missed your morning walk. Mr. Bhalla says my old college friend Shilpa spoke to me seeing my pic. Appa says that’s why you forgot the walk, I will keep your secret. They laugh. Appa says I should get a party. Mr. Bhalla says sure, and recalls his old time.
Ishita smiles seeing Raman sleeping. She calls it a peaceful moment. She hears Rohit crying a lot and goes out. Neelu says Rohit wake up in morning and crying. Ishita manages Rohit and sends Neelu to get food. She recalls Sarika’s words. She goes to Raman and tells about Sarika’s reason. She says I really want to know from Sarika, I will feel its injustice or a big truth hidden from us. Raman says fine, we will meet her, but don’t tell anyone at home. She thanks him.
Suraj talks to lawyer and asks him to save Ashok, Ashok should not get murder blame. Lawyer says all evidence is against Ashok. Suraj asks him to leave. Lawyer says fine, any other lawyer will say the same and leaves. Suraj says Ashok got ruined getting after Raman.
Raman asks Ishita to hurry up. Sarika comes and cries. She says I felt Ishita won’t come ever. Ishita says I did not come to ask for your welfare, I don’t have any sympathy with you, you tried to kill my family. Sarika asks why did you come. Ishita says to know reason, I want my answers, why did you try to kill Raman and my family, tell me the reason. If I were in your place, I would have asked about my kids, did you not think of Rohit, you did not ask me about Rohit, what type of mother are you, tell me.
Sarika says I m not Rohit’s mother. Raman and Ishita get shocked. Sarika says Romi and I are not Rohit’s parents. Ishita asks her not to lie. Sarika says its not a lie, its true, I lost my child when Romi cheated me, he left me alone, my mum died, I was lonely and in stress, I know how I have bear all that, my miscarriage happened in those problems.
Ishita asks whose child is Rohit. Raman asks Ishita to come. Ishita says wait. Sarika says my relatives became my enemies knowing I m pregnant, I felt Abhishek is after me too, so I was hiding, then I came to know Romi can’t become father again, I thought to get his love back, I lied to him that Rohit is Romi and my child, I adopted Rohit from orphanage, then you all accepted me, my future got secure.
Ishita says you got everything, what wrong happened then. Sarika says Ashok got to know this truth. Raman recalls Ashok trying to adopt Rohit. Sarika says Ashok was blackmailing me and I was afraid that I will get lonely again, so I was helpless to help him, Ashok framed Mihika in Rinki’s murder case.
Ishita scolds Sarika. Sarika says I was scared. Raman asks Ishita to come and leaves. Sarika says I trust you Bhabhi and told everything, now help me. Ishita calls her a bad mother. Sarika says punish me, but free me from here. Ishita says I wish to slap you, but I will leave you in guilt, a mother’s heart is not like this, it thinks good for everyone, Rohit does not deserve this, be away from him. She leaves. Sarika cries.
Abhishek apologizes to Ishita and Raman. Raman asks him to forget it. Raman asks Ishita not to tell this to anyone. She says I m worried about Rohit. He asks her not to worry.
Ishita repeats Sarika’s cheat while taking to Raman, and Romi hears everything. He gets shocked.