In the upcoming story of Star Plus popular show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein show will bring freshness in Raman and Ishita's life with Simmi's positive return. It seems Simmi finally accepts her crime as Param tries to double cross her. Shattered Simmi accepts all her crimes asking police to arrest her but Raman and Ishita turn Simmi’s saviour. Simmi gets saved by Raman and Ishita who gets her back home and this time Simmi makes her positive return in Bhalla house.
Big change in Simmi fills Raman and Ishita’s life with happiness. Big change in Simmi fills Raman and Ishita’s life with happiness beginning a new episode. It would be really interesting to see what twist is lined ahead in Raman and Ishita’s life.
Big change in Simmi fills Raman and Ishita’s life with happiness. Big change in Simmi fills Raman and Ishita’s life with happiness beginning a new episode. It would be really interesting to see what twist is lined ahead in Raman and Ishita’s life.