The Episode starts with Dylan’s mum talking to mum. She asks him not to run from his feelings for Dabbu, like he has run from his dad and the problems. She asks him to accept Dabbu and his feelings. He says he is fine and will come in few days. She asks him to take care. Chandi talks to Dabbu and says she did not see happiness on her face, she is always tensed and asks is she marrying soon as she has doubt. She asks do you love Dylan. Dabbu is shocked. Dabbu asks are you mad, I just danced with him, its not love. Chandi says you are marrying someone whom you don’t love, you will realize when you ruin yours and Aseem’s life. Dabbu says I m marrying him by my happiness.
Chandi says she does not know why is she doing this. She leaves. Dabbu cries and says she is doing this as she does not want to follow her heart. She says she wants to forget Dylan, she loves him a lot. Dylan is on the way and recalls Dabbu. Neend ud jaaye…………..plays………….
He stops the car seeing a small puppy. He imagines Dabbu saving the puppy. He gets down the car and stands in rain. Naino ko pata hai……..plays………….. Dylan laughs with her and turns to see she disappeared. He takes the puppy with him and says he was seeing her, but she is not here. He says he is not crying and talks to the puppy. He asks himself what is he doing, how much will he lie to himself, he is not able to go far from her and go close to her, mum was right, I m lying, the truth is he loves Debjani. He says I love you Debjani. Dabbu cries and says I hate you Dylan. He says he can’t live without her. She says my hatred will teach me to live without you.
Mirchandani calls Aseem and talks about postponing some work. Aseem asks why. Mirchandani says what can we do, Dylan is not here, he went for two weeks leave. Aseem says fine, let me know if you need help in programming. Vicky comes and Aseem tells him that Dylan left. Aseem says he felt Dylan will do something in office and show attitude, but he has run like a rat, I will miss him and his upset face in my marriage. Aseem says I would have been glad making him jealous, but he will come back and see Dabbu and me together. Vicky says he will make film after Aseem’s marriage and name will be creep no. 1. Aseem laughs.
Mamta and LN come to Dabbu along with everyone. Dabbu asks what happened. Mamta says they were worried thinking of her announcement. She asks does she really want court marriage. Dabbu says whats big thing, I just requested you all. LN asks her is she not happy with this marriage. She asks her to say if she does not wish to marry, they will not say anything. Dabbu says she is happy with the marriage. Anji asks why is he doing court marriage. Dabbu says Vicky has big loans and I don’t want to put any burden on his family, Aseem has always thought about us.
She says court marriage will make less expenses. Mamta asks is she sacrificing her happiness for Aseem. Dabbu says I m happy, no need of formalities, close family can come, we will invite who really get happy in our happiness. LN says he is proud of her, we did not think of this. They all get happy and joke with Eshu. Dabbu asks them not to worry, everything will be fine. They all hug Dabbu.