In Mariyam Khan reporting Live, Mahira fails to tell her parents about her feelings for Sarfaraz’s son Rihaan, knowing Safaraz and Aijaz are arch rivals. The family celebrates Ramadan Eid and invite Ashraf family as well. Rihaan enters Majaaz’s house during the Eid celebrations for the sake of his love. He takes a disguise and meets Mahira. He learns about Mahira and Zain’s alliance. He can’t lose Mahira, since he promised Sarfaraz that he will wed Mahira to fulfill his enmity. Mahira isn’t aware of Rihaan’s true intentions and believes that he really loves her.
Rihaan sees Zain and Mahira dancing, and joins them. He dances with Mahira. She gets a smile on seeing him around. She is in love with Rihaan. She wishes Rihaan stops her wedding with Zain. She doesn’t want to upset the family, who wants to mend her relations with Ashraf family with this alliance.
Rihaan entertains everyone and turns the ceremony into a big celebration. Zain also tries to please Mahira. He finds her unhappy and asks her the reason. He wants to know if she also likes him. Mahira doesn’t confess anything to Zain. She stays secretive. Mariam celebrates Eid with her family. She then shocks the family by getting Aayat home. Aayat is Aijaz’s estranged daughter, who got kicked out of the family for his misdeeds. Mariam has no idea that Aayat is her mother. Aijaz commands Aayat to stay out of his house and not dare to bond again. Aayat uses their emotions to fool them and get back into the family.
Rihaan sees Zain and Mahira dancing, and joins them. He dances with Mahira. She gets a smile on seeing him around. She is in love with Rihaan. She wishes Rihaan stops her wedding with Zain. She doesn’t want to upset the family, who wants to mend her relations with Ashraf family with this alliance.
Rihaan entertains everyone and turns the ceremony into a big celebration. Zain also tries to please Mahira. He finds her unhappy and asks her the reason. He wants to know if she also likes him. Mahira doesn’t confess anything to Zain. She stays secretive. Mariam celebrates Eid with her family. She then shocks the family by getting Aayat home. Aayat is Aijaz’s estranged daughter, who got kicked out of the family for his misdeeds. Mariam has no idea that Aayat is her mother. Aijaz commands Aayat to stay out of his house and not dare to bond again. Aayat uses their emotions to fool them and get back into the family.