In the upcoming story of Star Plus latest show Mariam Khan Reporting Live viewers will get to witness interesting twist as Mariam (Deshna Dugad) might breathe last post surgery. It seems Aayat (Mansi Sharma) will successfully catch hold of Mariam and get her to the surgery room.
Sacred Mariam left with no other option will have to undergo the surgery wherein Jibram will get new life thanks to Marim but Mariam’s condition will get critical.
Aayat to leave Mariam to die. It would be really interesting to see what happens next on the show. Will Aayat do something to save critical Mariam’s life? Or will she just leave Mariam to breathe her last and die as her motive is fulfilled now?
Sacred Mariam left with no other option will have to undergo the surgery wherein Jibram will get new life thanks to Marim but Mariam’s condition will get critical.
Aayat to leave Mariam to die. It would be really interesting to see what happens next on the show. Will Aayat do something to save critical Mariam’s life? Or will she just leave Mariam to breathe her last and die as her motive is fulfilled now?