Rohan unfolds Ishita's location to Raman and Bhallas

Raman is trying is best to find where the real Ishita is but seems like everything is becoming too messy to find out the truth. Rohan, On the other hand, tries to speak with Raman regarding Aliya and his life.

It seems Sahil Shah who is very clever learns about Raman’s smart plan to expose his truth. Thus Sahil changes Ishita’s location when Raman comes with Police to Sahil’s house. Fortunately, Rohan gets to witness Sahil and Ishita together in some other location and he informs the same to Karan and Ruhi. Ruhi informs the same to Raman who can trace Ishita down quickly. It would be really interesting to see if Raman is able to get back his Ishita or no.

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