The Episode starts Vandu talking to Amma on phone. She says she is buying crackers for kids and is on the way. She talks to her colleague and says she has forgot her wallet in college. The woman says she does not have money to give now. Vandu says she will get the things tomorrow. Suraj comes and says I will pay the bill. Vandu refuses to take his help. Suraj says I m not so bad, you can return me money later. Vandu says no, I can’t take money from you. Suraj checks the bill, and says its big amount, you can buy crackers from some other shop, where you will get discount, its my friend’s shop. He says he will get car. Vandu and her friend go with him.
The man brings the gun owner’s details and gives Abhishek. He says he will come whenever Abhishek calls him. Abhishek meets Raman and Bhallas. Raman asks Abhishek to say, whose gun is it, is it anyone from his family. Abhishek says the owner is Maddy. Raman says we don’t know any Maddy. Abhishek says it maybe someone’s nick name, its more tough to find now.
Ishita comes and says what to do, I feel to help you all, but some people don’t deserve to get help, I don’t wish to say, I know who is Maddy. Raman requests her to say. She says curiosity to know, I m liking it, Shagun got important suddenly. He says we will do what you say, please tell us. She refuses. Raman insists. She says fine, but I have a condition. He says fine. She says my kids, Adi will come to me and say I love you to me, he will say how much he misses his mum.
Raman asks Sarika to get Adi. Sarika gets Adi. Adi says Sarika told him everything. Ishita says my baby. Adi says Shagun mumma, I miss you a, I love you a lot. She says love you too, I missed you too. Raman asks who is Maddy. Ishita says even Ruhi has to tell how much she loves Shagun. Raman sends Sarika. Ama thinks what does Shagun want. Sarika gets Ruhi there. Ruhi says I love you Shagun mumma, I miss you. Ishita says I love you, I miss you too, tell me what was your question. Raman sends Ruhi inside the room.
Ishita says she will tell them, Maddy is actually nickname of Dr. Manoj Paul. They get shocked. Raman asks Dr. Manoj? She says yes, its his petname, I have stayed with him for much time, if you don’t believe, ask Manoj, no need to say thanks. She goes. Raman says I don’t believe this, I know Manoj, he is nice guy, if he had gun, how can gun come in my house. Abhishek says yes, but maybe someone used his name to buy gun, it can be anything, did you not feel weird that gun came suddenly and disappeared, if Ishita did not get that attack, we would have not know the gun is here, we will ask Manoj. Raman says he is respected doctor, what are you saying. Mr. Bhalla asks him to call Manoj.
Suraj drops Vandu. Vandu thanks him and asks him to wait, she will return the money. He says no, its enough that you trusted me, I wanted to say, I m fed up of the fights between Ashok and your family, I have supported Ashok always, but I don’t have anything against your family, I explained this to Ashok too. She says I don’t want to get into it, you are my student, I m your teacher, I will get your money, wait.
Ishita sees Suraj and Vandu together. Vandu takes crackers and goes. Ishita wonders whats happening. Shravan tells Ruhi that Vandu got rockets too. Ruhi says she will light Anaar. Vandu tells Bala about Suraj’s help, she got discount too. She asks Bala what is he thinking. Bala says sorry, I was thinking about Raman’s problems, don’t know how to make Ishita fine, Raman and I went to Ashok, Prateek suggested if Ashok talk to Shagun-Ishita, but Ashok insulted Raman and refused to come. Vandu says what can we expect, Suraj was saying Ashok is bad, he was apologizing to me, I don’t trust him, but I felt Suraj is trying to become a good man genuinely. She asks shall I talk to Suraj to request Ashok to meet Ishita. He says great idea, but why will Ashok agree. She says we can try. He says call Suraj.
Vandu calls Suraj and asks can we meet now, I have some urgent work. Suraj is on the way and says I m in your area, I can come your home. She says no, we will meet near coffee shop. Abhishek questions Manoj. Manoj says this is not my gun, why will I buy this gun. Abhishek says I m asking you, maybe someone asked you to buy this gun. Manoj denies. Abhishek says its strange, how did gun come here.
Vandu talks to Suraj. Suraj says I don’t think Ashok will agree. She says I m really hoping you will help, Ashok insulted Raman, its about Ishita and kids’ life. Suraj says I can’t promise, but I will try.
Suraj asks Ashok to meet Ishita. Ashok asks what is he saying, shall I help Raman and Ishita, why. Suraj says I m your brother, I will think about your good, make Raman your friend, Raman will be under your favor, take advantage of this situation. Ashok goes. Suraj asks him to say did he understand or not.
Romi asks who can it be, who will kill us. Amma says I think its some black magic, Prateek can we do some puja. Prateek asks her not to worry. He asks Raman what did Ashok say, is he coming. Ashok comes there. Raman asks will he help. Ashok says I came to meet Ishita, tell me what to tell her.
Prateek gives the black thread for Ishita and says you have to convince Shagun to leave Ishita, she will not do anything to you. Shagun trusts you, and this is for your protection, don’t remove it. Raman sends Ashok to Ishita.
Ishita tells Ashok that she has to do complete things, and reminds their last dinner death. He says just Shagun and I knew this. She says I m Shagun, I want to complete that thing. Ashok says Raman you are gone now.